Revaluation of securities portfolio is performed using the data of Bloomberg Agency, and is based on the closing price of the exchange where the trade at date “T” was executed.
If for an asset, according to the data of Bloomberg Agency, there were no quotations on date “T”, revaluation of securities portfolio is performed using the closing price of the exchange with transaction depth of 90 days.
If for an asset, according to the data of Bloomberg Agency, there were no quotations on the exchange for more than 90 days, revaluation of securities portfolio is performed using the closing price of any other exchange where the biddings were performed in asset’s par currency, and in case of its absence - in any other currency.
If for an asset, according to the data of Bloomberg Agency, there were no quotations for the last 90 days on any of the exchanges where the biddings on this asset were performed, the security’s value is not estimated.
Information about NON-trading days and NON-settlement days