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MIFID II – Information letter. New edition of the Terms and conditions and amendments in Tariffs


Dear Clients!

Hereby KIT Finance Europe (hereinafter – the Investment firm) informs that starting from 3rd January 2018, Directive of the European Parliament and Council 2014/65/EU referred to as MIFID II, will come into force. The new Directive MIFID II imposes several vital changes to conditions of rendering investment services within the European Union.

Taking into account new requirements and features of our new products and services, new edition of the Terms and Conditions of Rendering Investment Services (hereinafter – the Terms and Conditions), updated tariffs and other implementations will come into force starting from 1st January 2018:

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Restrictions on transactions with securities of certain credit institutions and companies of the Russian Federation


According to Council Regulation No 833/2014 of 31 July 2014 and Council Regulation No 960/2014 of 8 September 2014 (hereinafter the Regulations) European Union (hereinafter EU) introduced sanctions against certain Russian companies by restricting subscription and trading (hereinafter Sanctions) with the securities issued by those companies.

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Upcoming changes to the settlement of transactions in Europe


Dear Clients,

KIT Finance Europe would like to take this opportunity to notify you of upcoming changes to the settlement of transactions in Europe. At the present time, the settlement period of most stock exchange transactions across European venues is trade date + 3 business days (T+3). The exception to this general standard is a T+2 settlement period which currently exists in the German, Slovenian and Bulgarian markets.

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Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Rendering Investment Service of KIT Finance Europe


Dear Clients,

We would like to inform you about the changes to the Terms and Conditions of Rendering Investment Service of KIT Finance Europe and related Appendixes coming into force as of 01/07/2014.

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